Monday, March 9, 2009



My name is Sarah Parker and this is going to be where i record my thoughts, ideas, inspirations, sketches, art pieces, etc. Just to say a little about my self: I'm 17, live in central Florida, and go to an art high school studying to be an illustrator. This is the end of my senior year and it's been a stressful one.

I do a bunch of different media art including painting,drawing, woodwork, ink and marker, etc. I even hand sew stuffed animals. Example? To the left is my newest and largest accomplishment. It's a 3 1/2 foot stuffed animal cuttlefish. :3 I'm a little weird.

I have my senior art show coming up this Wednesday March 15Th, 2009. I'm unprepared and nervous, but more than anything excited that it's finally here. But before I take too much time typing here, I need to get back to work on some pieces to put in the show. :D I'll keep you updated.

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